Button Wiser
Welcome to Button Wiser! Here a team of 4 crazy writers find random pictures on the internet and write even random-er stories about them! So check out our posts, give us your feedback and ideas, but most importantly, enjoy!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dog and dog and more dogs and a tree

Trees aren't a particularly special to dogs, this is what humble cocker spaniel named Brett saw this line. Puzzled by the row of dogs he asks the dogs lining up. Unfortunantly, Brett does not get an answer. So he does like any other dog would - line up. Here Brett guesses as he wonders what the tree is for. Is it like the best place for a dog to do their business? nah its only a tree, not that special. Is it like a match maker with you leave your trait of smell, etc behind? nah don't think so, how are we meant to meet the next time? So the time went on, with Brett puzzled as his turn to the tree came.

"There you go... enjoy" as the dog previous to Brett said.
"Ummm.... thanks, what are you meant to do?"

However there was no reply and rudely the dog before left. And so Brett was just near the roots of the tree, nothing to do. Well unfortuantly for Brett and all the other dogs lining up, theres nothing that special indeed. Just a little gimmick to waist a dogs time really.

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