On a purple bean bag sat a fat and old man, the first monk. The acolyte couldn’t help but glee as he approached the snoring octogenarian. His years of hard work was about to be paid off. He didn’t have to get closer to the monk until his presence was noticed. The monk opened his eyes and majestically emptied out his sinuses onto the edge of the cushion. The acolyte arrived at the foot of the monk, kneeling in respect.
“What brings you to my humble abode, acolyte?”
“I’ve come to seek enlightenment, oh wise one. Show me the way.”
“hmmm, enlightenment aye?”
The monk unfolded his legs, kicked off his sandals and stretched out his feet.
“To achieve enlightenment, you must first awaken your senses by eating the fruits of my wisdom.”
The monk was referring to his toe jam. The acolyte looked at the monk. Was the monk being serious? He asked if there was another way and the monk answered negative. Not wanting to offend the monk, the acolyte complied. He took a deep breath and started with the left foot, then the right foot. The acolyte finished sucking the wrinkly pinkie of the old man before bursting out of the temple, tumbling down the stairs. Even though the acolyte was hurt and mentally scarred for life, he was determined to continue his journey towards enlightenment.

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